When you obtain a brand new hosting, it's generated on a server and the entire process will take some time, not mentioning the verification and processing of your payment, which many companies execute personally. When you acquire a dedicated server, for instance, the configuration takes even longer as the unit needs to be built, installed and tested so as to make sure that it will function properly. By reason of this, a lot of providers have a one-time cost to cover the time and efforts devoted to your brand new account. The fee, which sometimes is high, is generally not mentioned on the front page, still you will see it on the checkout or payment page, thus you won't be familiar with it before you've already completed the whole signup process and you can even miss it if you don't pay close attention.
Setup Fee in Hosting
When you get a hosting package via our company, the end price that you will have to pay through the checkout is exactly the same as the price you've already seen on our home page or on every other page on our site. The processing of your payment as well as the account creation on our revolutionary cloud hosting platform are almost fully automatic, that's why we think that charging you any kind of setup costs would be very unreasonable. Even when you order several accounts at once, you will not be required to spend anything for their setup or for any other kind of hidden costs for that matter. It's our principle that being honest to each client from the very beginning is far more valuable than receiving a few extra dollars.
Setup Fee in Semi-dedicated Servers
If you order a semi-dedicated server plan through us, you will pay just the monthly charge that is already displayed on our web site. The account will be generated on our servers and we will activate it within a couple of minutes at no additional charge. This will be valid for each monthly charge and whatever the total number of accounts that you get. It's our belief that it's not reasonable to charge you additional money for an action that we have almost fully computerized, therefore you'll never find any setup costs or other hidden fees. As a result, all of the fees which are listed on our main page, on the payment page as well as on your bank statement will be exactly the same.
Setup Fee in VPS Servers
Although setting up a VPS server takes some time and efforts, we will never charge you any kind of installation rates regardless if you obtain a couple of servers at one time. When you join us, you need to pay only the standard monthly rate for the chosen plan and we will assemble your VPS, install its Operating System, web hosting Control Panel and software bundle (web server, MySQL, FTP) without further cost. The renewal charges for the following months will be identical to the initial registration cost. We are aware that getting another client that trusts us is way more important than receiving a small one-time charge, therefore when you get a virtual server via us, you will never find any concealed fees.
Setup Fee in Dedicated Servers
If you acquire a dedicated server from us, all you will have to pay is the standard monthly fee for the package. We will put together the hardware that you've selected through the signup, we will install an OS, web server, hosting Control Panel and all other software that is featured with our plans, then test the machine, but we'll never ask you to pay anything extra for this. The price of the dedicated server you select is always exactly the same - on our front page, on the order page and through your payment process, and there will be no concealed costs of any type. When you acquire a dedicated server equipped with our Hepsia control panel and you already have a shared web hosting account from our company, we can transfer all of your info - again free of charge.