If you would like to direct a domain name that you have to another domain or subdomain, one of the ways to do that would be to use a CNAME record. By setting up such a record, the domain address being pointed loses all of its records (A, MX, and so on) and instead, it takes the A record of the Internet domain it is redirected to. In this way, if you are using a web design service by some company that gives you a subdomain, you can use an actual domain and not only will it be redirected to the Internet site which you have created, but it will also be displayed in the Internet browser address bar at all times. Some other possible uses of a CNAME record are to point all the visitors from various subdomains to their main domain, or to use the webmail service of your hosting company by using webmail.your-doman.com, for example. The latter will work only by setting up a CNAME record for a subdomain since such a record created for the main domain address makes it impossible to use email addresses.
CNAME Records in Hosting
Setting up a CNAME record with our hosting is very simple. Our in-house built Hepsia CP features a section committed to the DNS records of your domain addresses, so you can create a new CNAME record for any domain or subdomain hosted within your account in only a few basic steps. There is also a video tutorial inside the same section where you can see the process first-hand. This feature will give you a number of possibilities - if you set up a company website on our end, for instance, the staff can use their emails with the company domain address, not with the address of our mail server. If you want to set up a website by using a different provider that offers online web design services, you can easily forward a domain address hosted here and use it for the site. Last, but not least, if you have an on-line store and you have a billing system for http://your-domain.com and/or an SSL certificate, you can set up a CNAME record for the www subdomain and direct it to the main domain name, so all your customers are going to be forwarded to a secure URL.
CNAME Records in Semi-dedicated Servers
You are going to be able to set up, change and delete CNAME records really easy with any one of our semi-dedicated server plans. The accounts are handled through the custom Hepsia hosting CP, and in one of its sections you will see all records for every domain address or subdomain which you have added in your account. To create a new record, you simply need to select the hostname that'll be forwarded (domain/subdomain), type where it will be forwarded to, pick the record type, which will be CNAME in this case, and you're going to be ready. Even if you have never used a web hosting service before, our Control Panel is incredibly intuitive to use, so you'll not have any problems. We also have a short video and a detailed help article concerning how to create a CNAME record, both of which can be found in the exact same section of Hepsia. With this feature, you can easily use a domain hosted on our revolutionary cloud hosting platform for a site created somewhere else, create a custom webmail login address with any of your domain names, and much more.